Hello there, my name is Elon. This is me, at 6 months old. I would of turned 1 year old today on August 3rd, 2022. My life in this world lasted 8 months and 24 days, until one night SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) took me from my earthy body. I’ve become a little star living amongst the vast universe ever since. It’s so cool up here, you have no idea!

Well, my life may be shorter than what I have hoped for but it was a pretty darn good one. So here’s the story about me and my life.
When my parents announced my grand entrance to the world, so many people asked if they named me after Elon Musk. Umm No. Elon is a Hebrew name, it means oak tree. But not just any oak tree. Rather, in the Bible it was the Oak Tree where God appeared to Abraham in the heat of the day. Where God appeared to tell Abraham that Sarah will become pregnant, despite her 90 years. It is the tree where God gave a grieving couple some renewed hope. Oak tree is also a symbol of wisdom, strength and endurance. Anyways, I don’t think my parents thought about it that hard before naming me Elon, but I kinda got grown into this name, I think it fits me pretty well.
Now that you’ve seen my cute and chubby 6 months old self, you should really see what I looked like when I was born.

Yeah, I was pretty wrinkly like a little old man. Dad used to say I have a grandpa’s wrinkly tushie. But they fell in love with me the second they saw me anyways. It felt good to be finally outside of mama’s belly. I’m not quite used to the bright light yet, so I kept my eyes shut most of the time. I can hear mama and baba’s voice much more clear now. I’m familiar with their voices. It’s comforting to have some familiar things in this new and strange world. I have to say I love it best when mama hold me in her arms. Bonus if she gave me some milk, that stuff is really tasty. I think my favorite thing in this world so far is getting milk drunk. I mean, who doesn’t?

You see, these nice photos of me were taken by my godmother Susan. Some by mama. They love pointing me with a black rectangle thing that makes a funny click sound. They call themselves photographers. You can imagine how obsessed they were with me, nonstop taking photos of me using that black rectangle thing. I heard there’s a popular comparison of Instagram vs. reality? Well, here’s my version.

That’s not the best part yet, did I mention I also peed 4 times and pooped 2 times during the brief time they took my diaper off? No babies were harmed during this photoshoot, but I definitely made my mark on mama’s brand new $$$ white linen sheet.
OK. Enough for today. See ya!

Photo by Mountain Leaf Photography.
You are super cute! Hope you stay well there💫💫💫
Thank you Minn <3
Beautiful and touching….absolutely beautiful
Thanks grandpa! 🙂
The last photo was the best of the best! He must have enjoyed every day with you parents.
Thank you! Everyday together is a blessing.
Hi Elon, nice meeting you and love your blog. Looking forward to the next one. Also the pee picture is my favorite, what a capture! Your mama and god mama are wonderful photographers. 😘
曉喬阿姨 😘
Thanks auntie Joanna! I peed so many times so they can’t miss the million dollar shot. XD
Happy 1st birthday in Heaven, Elon! 🎂🥳🙏🏼✨
Thank you auntie Corinna!😙
Wishing you so much happiness in the stars Elon! Happy 1st birthday ❤️
Thank you Jasmine! ❤️